WhatsApp Campaign

Campaign 19: We have a family that is experiencing an unforeseen and sudden short term reduction in compensation right before Pesach causing financial stress to the family. We would like to raise $8K to assist this family with covering their Pesach expenses and assisting with their rent over the next four months. Thanks and Tizku Lmitzvos.


Is my donation tax-deductible?
  • Yes, we are a registered nonprofit organization and all donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. We will provide you with a receipt for tax purposes.

What is Tzedakah Bergen County Whatsapp?

  • The Tzedakah Bergen County Whatsapp group is a lay lead initiative to help those who are in immediate need within BC get the help they need quickly and efficiently.

  • This group hopes to be able to scale tzedakah within BC by pooling a large number of donors.

Will 100% of the funds raised for any given campaign be allocated for that need?

  • Yes. 100% of the funds raised (net of credit card fees) for any given campaign will be allocated at 100% to those in need.

What is Project Ezrah’s role?

  • Project Ezrah will play a role behind the scenes by vetting those that need the assistance as well as serving as the 501C3 for tax receipts.