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The highest form of tzedakah is to help a person become self-sufficient.

– Rambam

Ezrah Hebrew

Ezrah Helps...

Families and single parents. Widows and retirees. Young couples and singles. Since 2001, Ezrah has helped thousands turn their lives around, becoming financially stable and self-sufficient—confidentially and with dignity.

Our reach is wide. If not for Ezrah, some would be destitute, others homeless. Parents and their children would go hungry. Many would be underearning and barely getting by, drowning in debt, shame, and hopelessness. Even more wouldn’t be able to make Shabbos or celebrate Yomim Tovim.

Working closely with community rabbonim, we do whatever it takes to assist those in need. Through goal setting, financial and emotional counseling, life-skills development, and all kinds of assistance, our clients find meaningful employment, learn to manage money, and develop self-confidence. We stay with them, every step of the way.

Ezrah Helped Me...


Financial Assistance

Our goal: To help every family become self-sufficient. You are unique, and your situation is unique. Based on each family’s specific circumstances, Ezrah provides three levels of support.

The Partner Program

The Need: You’re struggling to pay for even the bare necessities. There’s a major monthly deficit between income and expenses. You’re swimming in debt.

How We Help: After a thorough assessment, our financial managers temporarily assume control of your finances, creating a budget and paying for the essentials. From there, counselors will create a personalized plan of action, guiding and supporting you as you become financially stable.

The Boost Program

The Need: Your situation is challenging but not dire. You need budgeting help and some temporary financial assistance until you get back on your feet.

How We Help: Ezrah counselors assess your budgeting and spending patterns, covering outstanding bills and creating a plan that helps you stay within a realistic budget.

The Spark Program

The Need: You’re paying your basic bills but can’t cover big or unexpected expenses; you’re not sure what kind of services you’re eligible for and need help navigating the system.

How We Help: Ezrah assesses your situation and helps connect you to eligible services, both outside the community and within our wide network of pro bono service providers, from mental health professionals to dentists.

Job Development

Maybe you have expertise, experience, and marketable skills—but haven’t secured a job that works for you. Ezrah provides the critical tools you need to get your foot in the door.

Resume Writing

Our career coaches help you create a professional resume that accurately reflects your experiences and skills.

Interview Coaching

An interview coach can give you important feedback and the tools you need to feel confident and self-assured going into any interview.

Connecting to Jobs

Sometimes it’s hard to know where to look, and the prospect of applying for a job is overwhelming. We’ll help you through the process, guiding you toward jobs that are a good fit for you and your abilities.

Please contact Jeff Mendelson at Jeff@ezrah.org for further inquiry.

Ezrah University

Focusing on finance and job development, our full calendar of classes, seminars, and workshops are taught by industry experts and top educators in a variety of fields.